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Monday, March 5, 2012

My Two Cents: How to Get Out The Door With Kids...

Some of my best friends are just welcoming their first children.  I love watching them make the transition into motherhood as it is such a special time but lets be real here, all of us veteran mothers love to see some newbies struggle like we did.  There is something oddly satisfying about watching your footloose and fancy-free (and in great shape) friend go down in flames just as you did.

One reason I am able to say the above is because I know, that just like me, they are going to come out on the other side just fine.  It's just nice to know that NOW they will understand why you became an un-showered, jiggly bellied, dazed out mess who didn't care about anything but sleep.  Now. they. know.

Watching them maneuver these first months has reminded me of some of those alarming discoveries I had to make the first time around.  Like, how your day revolves around your breasts.  There is not a single moment you are not thinking about your boobs.  Ever!!  Or how you suddenly have major stranger anxiety...who is this person looking at my baby??!  Are they going to touch her?!?!  Have they washed their hands at least 77 times today?!!?  The whole world changes in an instant and you start wondering how none of your friends mentioned any of this to you.  But, we did!  Your friends told you every horror story they encountered, it's just that you didn't have kids so they just sounded like a rambling, sleep-deprived complainer.  

One of my new-mommy friends called the other day all flustered and said how long does it take to get out of the damn house with a baby?!  I laughed and told her that she can plan on giving herself an extra 2-hours but to still plan to be late everywhere she goes.  Obviously my wonderful optimistic advice really lessened her stress level.  So to be fair I am going to give you my best tips of the trade for new moms or old ones that have yet to get a handle on things...oh wait that would be all of us!  Anyways here's my two cents for this week.  Stay tuned for my two cents next week too!

How to Get Out of the House With Kids

There are only three options on how to get out of the house with everyone dressed...

1.  You get up well before your kids and shower and dress yourself.  This is the only way to peacefully get dressed without having to run around your house in bra and underwear fetching juice cups.  Set an alarm and enjoy the peace and quiet.

2.  You dress your kids first.  If you are like me you hate the sound of an alarm clock.  If you choose to sleep in with your kids then plan to have them dressed and ready before you start on yourself.  This way there are no last minute searches for shoes and you won't get in the car only to realize you didn't brush your child's hair.  

3.  Baseball hats.  You need to own either one that looks cute like you borrowed it from your hubby or one that looks sporty so it can pass for your workout gear.  Whether or not you are going to the gym is beside the point.

Everything before:

Pack the diaper bag, your purse, lunch boxes, and your to-do list the night before.  If you need extreme help as I do, learn to prepare everything the night before!  My husband may think I look like a first grader laying out my clothes the night before but it is one less thing for me to think about in the morning.  Plus it saves me countless last-minute snafus that can potentially make me late, like a wrinkly shirt, a missing shoe, or the all-out melt down when my closet seems to be barren.

Add Minutes to Your Clock

If you know that on average it takes you 1 hour to get up and out, plan on 1 hour and a half from now on!  Kids are notorious for having a last minute dump or a magically disappearing blanket.  No matter how prepared you may be they will always find a way to slow things down so factor in an additional 30 minutes for the delays and you will still have a chance at being on time.  


If that word makes you cringe you better learn to love it and fast!  Being organized is one of the only things you can do to feel some control in this new world of motherhood.  The other day my son asked where we were headed to which I responded, "a couple of places."  He said, "Oh, do you have your list?"  He knows his momma well!  I always have a list: what to not forget, where I need to go, who I need to call, and what we need at the grocery store.  The next time you hit Target, grab a pack of index cards.  Keep them in your purse, the car, and at home and start making it a habit to write yourself helpful notes.  You cannot expect your memory to serve you the same way it did pre-baby!

So, there's my two cents on getting out the door with kids.  I hope it helps!  Next week I will tackle a new dilemma for mothers!


  1. I LOVE THIS and totally relate. The next one should be on how to get out f the house and then actually INTO a store with two (much less two under the age of two!)

  2. Oh Nikki that one does deserve a whole post of it's own!!

  3. This post is yet another reminder of how happy I am to finally be at the point where I just say, "lets go," and they can all get out the door, in the car and buckle up themselves!!

  4. Amen to the boobs, the last minute dump, and the jiggly belly...sigh.


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