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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Breaking the Momsie Way

You might have already heard me yelling it from the rooftops, but I'm going on my first kid-free vacation this week!! My oh-so-thoughtful husband surprised me at Christmas with a March trip to our former home of San Diego in celebration of our 5 year anniversary this year as well as our first (and probably last for a while) kid-free vacation before baby #2 arrives in June. I have literally been counting down to this since the moment I found out on Christmas. Add to it the fact that this is about the time of year when I start to hit my breaking point with cold, wet weather here in Seattle. Now, although this is a 5 day vacation sans toddler it won't be completely fuss free. Let's not forget that I'm carrying around quite a load in my midsection along with ankles that are sure to swell into the "cankle" category after a 3 hour flight. Not a good look when you hit the beach or, more appropriately, beach yourself. No, this is not the spring break of days past when you pack all the tiny bikinis, shorts, and skirts you can find and only worry about what kind of fruity drinks you'll order from the bar. This is more about days without a schedule, tantrum, or naptime; fuss-free meals; and complete selfishness. Basically all of the things you give up when you become a mama. It's not to say there isn't a serious case of nerves on my part when thinking about leaving my boy for 5 days. BUT, he's definitely helping ease my anxiety with his recent meltdowns over such logical things as not being able to play with a hot iron, suck on a medicine bottle, or uproot the outdoor pathway lights. These, my dears, are the things that I will not miss while soaking up the sun.
As I do with all things, I headed to Pinterest for a little vacation inspiration and here are the highlights for the moms and moms-to-be who are taking a little get away...
mini  messenger bag
I have taken an oath to carry nothing bigger than this for the duration of my time away. This mini messenger can be found at Old Navy in a variety of bright colors.
the peach flip - peaches, lemonade, vodka & sprite.
I may not be able to have a cocktail but that doesn't mean I can't still treat myself! The "Peach Flip" is a combo of peaches, lemonade, and sprite. Sure beats another boring glass of water!
Women's Xhilaration® Teresa Espadrille Wedge - Assorted Colors
Go on and wear a shoe you can't get away with while on mom-duty! For once I can just dress myself without consideration of whether or not it's kid-proof.
San Diego
Don't be jealous. On second thought, yes, please do.
What am I looking forward to most, you ask? Being Lauren and not mom. Not having to constantly think about what's next, being prepared, or making something a learning experience. I treasure all (or mostly all) of what being a mom is all about but for the first time in 2 years I get to remember what it's like to just be me! If you've been on a "babymoon" or gotten to enjoy a vacation with just the hubby, let me know what you think! Any advice or tips for making the best of the trip? Let me know because this isn't sure to come around again any time soon! Happy pinning!

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