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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lauren Alexander: Girls Just Want To Have Fun...and Keep You Healthy...

The next time your husband gripes about girls night, remind him that he should be thankful for your gal pals! They not only bring about much needed sanity checks but there is now scientific proof that we benefit from our girlfriends.

They actually help us stay fit! No, not because they honestly answer the question "Does my butt look fat in this?" But because some experts say that friends who commit to losing weight together are more likely to succeed. A husband wouldn't dare question our choice to eat ice cream mere hours after vowing to cut out sweets all together. But a friend who has made the same vow (and actually sticks to it) is the perfect motivation for you to stay on track, too. Plus, do you really want to hit the pool with your girlfriend and the kids only to find that dear friend has an amazing six pack and you're still sporting those last 10 baby pounds?

They make us a little less wimpy! Don't get me wrong they're still going to laugh at you for screaming at that spider. But studies have shown the people that avoid getting close to others may be at an increased risk for chronic pain. And some researchers even think that the lack of a support system can even heighten the body's response to stress. Like any of us need to feel more stress! So, whether it's 1 close friend or a circle of them, use them for support and you may find yourself more physically and emotionally strong.

They're (literally) life savers! A recent study showed that having a social network makes you 50 percent less likely to die early. In fact, refusing to build relationships is equal to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day! So when dear husband says "You're not going to die if you have to miss out on girls night." You can argue, with science on your side, that you just may.

They get you through pregnancy! Well, that and everything else. But a new study found that a solid sense of community may play an even greater role in a pregnant woman's health than her socioeconomic status. They say that friends add meaning to your life and can help you fight anxiety through this pretty crazy time of your life. I can say from experience that this little fact is most definitely true. I had an over-the-top stressful pregnancy, with one thing after another raising my anxiety level. But with the lifeline of friends and family (and I guess the doctors, too) me and my sweet boy made it through safe and sound.

While some of this may be breaking news to some, I think we all know that friends are more than just someone to gossip and shop with. They are a crucial part of our life. They help us when the going gets tough and celebrate with us when the tough gets going. I say it's about time science backs it all up!

1 comment:

  1. I know for a fact that my girlfriends have kept me sane many days! Taylor never tries to keep me from a girls night, for his own sake!


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