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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Guest bloggers

So, I could not be happier about the fact that people actually read this blog and take the time to email feedback.  I feel so grateful every time I see a new follower has been added or a new "like" on Facebook.  I wanted MOMSIE to be helpful and fun and so far I feel like it has been thanks to your nice words.  I still have so many things I would like to do here and I hope to always be able to bring you tips and advice you can use in real life.


I get emails asking me to please talk about ________.  There are a range of topics you all want to read about and although I know how to help with some, I just don't have all the answers.  Instead of researching around I want to enlist the help of people that can answer the questions for you. I know there are tons of smart girls out there who, by knowledge or first-hand experience, have loads of helpful information.  Maybe you have survived the Terrible Two's and have some tips for other moms.  Maybe you just went back to your full-time job and have learned some tricks for juggling work and kids.  Or maybe you just have a knack for writing and want to share it with the rest of us.  Whatever the case I would love to hear from you.  Send me an email at: momsiecharlotte@gmail.com and let me know what you can bring to MOMSIE.  You clearly don't have to use correct grammar or spelling all the time (hello!  just read my posts!) and I welcome any topic that you feel might interest the people here.  

I can't wait to read what some other people have to say!  And please keep letting me know what you would like to see in the future! 

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